Advising for Women's Studies Majors and Minors
Undergraduate Advising
I am a first- or second-year student...
Undergraduate advising for first- and second-year students is provided by your Coordinated Care advisor. Keep in mind that your Coordinated
Care Advisor is your first point of contact for lower division General Education advising.
To find your advisor, please log in to SDSU Navigate (EAB).
I am a junior, senior, or lower division student...
If you are a junior or senior, or lower division student with major advising needs your major advisor will be able to assist you, please see their contact information below.
Paola Martinez
Email: [email protected]
Scheduled Advising Appointments
Schedule an appointment with Women’s Studies advisor Paola Martinez on SDSU Navigate.
If you cannot make these hours or have an advising question or issue that can be handled
via email, please email us at [email protected]. We will respond M-F within 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Probably. Transfer credit depends upon comparability of courses, existing "articulation" agreements between institutions, and quarter versus semester hours. Normally you must wait until the transcript evaluators have determined transferability of your coursework from other institutions (usually during your first semester). However, you can easily log on to www.assist.org (the web-based clearinghouse for articulation among California institutions of higher education), to determine if agreements exist for the courses and schools in question. If the Registrar rejects a course you believe should have been transferable, bring supporting documents to the undergraduate adviser to determine if that decision can be challenged by a Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirements (RAAR).
Many schools offer equivalents to SDSU's major preparation (lower division) courses. Note that SDSU need not offer an equivalent course in order to accept transfer credit, particularly at the upper division level. If you have taken courses about women or gender elsewhere for which no SDSU equivalents exist, the undergraduate advisor can probably help you apply those units toward the major or minor. Under no circumstances will the university allow more than 12 units of upper division coursework to be transferred for the major, or 6 units to the minor (that is, half of your upper division major or minor units must be completed at SDSU).
Possibly. See the undergraduate advisor for approval and for the RAAR (Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirement). She will help you complete it and sign it, and you will turn it in to the Academic Advising Center.
In some cases they can be used. The details are below:
Majors and minors may count Women's Studies 101 (Social and Behavioral Sciences) and
Women's Studies 102 (Humanities) toward the Foundations Requirement. Be aware that
a maximum of 7 units from one department can count for General Education.
American Institutions
Women's Studies 341A and 341B can be used by both majors and minors to satisfy the
American Institutions Requirement. However, Women's Studies Majors cannot use Women's
Studies 341A or 341B to clear the 3 units of American Institutions in Foundations
General Education.
Several 300-level classes satisfy Explorations requirements in Humanities, Natural
Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. These classes can count for both Explorations
and the Women's Studies minor. Women's Studies majors cannot use any Women's Studies
classes to fulfill the Explorations Requirement, unless they are a double major and
Women’s Studies is listed as their second major.
Double Majors
One 300-level Women's Studies course can be used to both satisfy the Explorations
GE and fulfill a requirement for the Women's Studies major only if Women’s Studies
is the student's second major.
Most study abroad programs require that you meet first with a major or minor adviser for approval of planned coursework. However, final approval of units is done upon your return. Normally you must wait until the international transcript evaluators have determined transferability of your overseas coursework, though we can facilitate this process by meeting to go over your materials. If the Registrar rejects a course you believe should have been transferable, bring supporting documents to the department adviser to determine if that decision can be challenged by a Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirements (RAAR).
Note that SDSU need not offer an exact equivalent course in order to accept credits from abroad, particularly at the upper division level. When you take courses overseas for which no SDSU equivalents exist, please meet with the undergraduate advisor to see how best to apply those units toward the major or minor.
Yes, there are several. A current list of scholarship opportunities is available on this website.
Definitely. WMNST598 is an internship course designed to place students with organizations. This handbook includes a list of agencies in a variety of fields (politics, history, health, cultural arts, community services, etc.) that have requested interns. You may also contact agencies that are not listed and set up an internship that is relevant to Women’s Studies yourself.
For more information about WMNST598 requirements and participating agencies, first review the Women’s Studies Department internships page. Then, make a meeting with the director of the internship program, Dr. Irene Lara; email her at [email protected].
The Women’s Studies Department has Guidelines for Negotiated Communication for Problem Resolution that provides a recommended process to improve communication and reduce conflict whenever possible.
The University has a formal grievance procedure. It specifies that students take the following steps:
- The student should informally discuss the situation with the professor involved and seek a resolution with that professor.
- If that does not resolve the situation, the student should come to the Department Chair, who will attempt to resolve the situation.
- Should this prove unsuccessful, the student should then go to the Office of Ombudsmen and file a complaint (594-6578, SSW 3635). The Ombudsmen are student liaisons or mediators. Their job is to assist students in all sorts of problems including administrative procedures, appeals/waivers, and grade disputes. The Student Grievance Committee will handle a student’s complaint.
- In the case of Sexual Harassment/Discrimination complaints, there is a somewhat different procedure. Please refer to the Campus Procedures for Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaints Filed by Students. A copy is available in the Office of the Ombudsmen.
- At every step in this process written documentation must be kept by all parties involved.
- Sometimes students find it helpful to discuss the problem with another student before consulting the faculty.
The Women's Studies undergraduate advisor keeps a Women’s Studies Majors and Minors “Homeroom” page on Canvas, through which they send announcements of Women's Studies events and opportunities on campus and in the community. If you want to be added, please fill out this form.
Important Links