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WMNST 530 - Women, Gender & the Environment
Interested in climate change, sustainability & justice? Enroll in WMNST 530 in spring 2023.
WMNST 101. Women: Self, Identity and Society (3) [GE]Interdisciplinary introduction to women’s studies thought and scholarship in the social sciences, to include such areas as gender based language, personality development and self-concept, social evolution, family structures, and economic life.
WMNST 102. Women: Images and Ideas (3) [GE]
Major cultural representations of women in ancient through contemporary societies
from perspectives in the humanities, including philosophy, religion, art, literature,
and history.
WMNST 103. Women and Global Justice (3) [GE]
Gendered injustices and resistance from a global perspective. Colonization, environmental
justice, gendered violence, migration, militarization, poverty, and travel and tourism.
Structural inequalities in consumption, food production, and labor through a feminist
lens. Activism and formation of social movements.
WMNST 310. Global Cultures and Women’s Lives (3) [GE]
Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors. Comparative study of social,
economic, political, and ideological aspects of women’s position in local and global
contexts. Women’s status as impacted by modern indigenous, transitional, and/or border
WMNST 320. Socialization of Women (3) [GE]
Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors. Impact of formal and informal
institutions on female development and roles across the life span.
WMNST 325. Psychology of Women (3) [GE]
Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors. Theories of the psychological
development of women; investigation of biological and cultural factors influencing
personality and behavior.
WMNST 331. Women in Asian Societies (3) [GE]
Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors. Socio- economic status of
women in Asia. Feminism and the status of women in China, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines,
and other countries. Feminist movements in Asia and women’s status as affected by
changing social, economic, political orders in Asia.
WMNST 336. Women of Color in the United States (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.C., Humanities required for non-majors. Experiences of U.S. women of color through
study of personal essay/autobiography, oral history, plays/novels, poetry, performance/visual
art, theory, and other genres. Themes may include identity, voice, representation,
empowerment, oppression, and social change.
WMNST 340. History of Women and Sexuality in Modern Europe (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.C., Humanities required for non-majors. Experiences, participation, and influence
of European-descended women and women of color in Europe and in European colonies
from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Intersections of gender, race, class,
sexuality, and power during the modern period.
WMNST 341A-341B. Women in American History (3-3) [AI]
History of American social, cultural, economic, political, and intellectual institutions,
focusing on the role and perspective of women.
Semester I: From colonization to 1860; Semester II: From 1860 to the present. Satisfies
the graduation requirement in American Institutions.
WMNST 352. Women in Literature (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.C., Humanities required for non-majors. Literature by and about women; appraisals
of women’s place in various literary genres; historical and contemporary themes; evolution
of forms and techniques; relation to other art forms.
WMNST 355. Feminist Approaches to Popular Culture (3) [GE]
Gender and sexuality to include advertising, film, magazines, music, romance novels,
social media, and television. How relations of power are transmitted through cultural
forms. Ways popular culture shapes and is shaped by social and political contexts.
WMNST 360. Women’s Sexuality and the Body (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.C., Humanities required for non-majors. Social, cultural, and political aspects
of women’s sexualities and bodies; relationships among beliefs and practices, and
among sexual behaviors and identities in historical context; role of popular culture,
scientific, medical, and religious ideas.
WMNST 370. Women, Law, and Policy (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.B., Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors Legal factors affecting
women in employment, education, health and welfare, property ownership and criminal
justice, including investigation of public policy issues which affect women’s lives.
WMNST 375. Sex, Power, and Politics (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.B., Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors. Social, economic and
political factors which explain women’s political status and participation. Topics
include institutional structures, leadership and ideology, power and authority, and
the women’s movement as a political movement.
WMNST 382. Gender, Science, and Technology (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.A.2. Life Sciences required for non-majors. Feminist science studies to include
women in science, scientific research on sex and gender differences, gender in relation
to technology. Social and political impacts of science and technology and global contexts.
WMNST 385. Women’s Work: Invisibility and Empowerment (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning
II.B., Social and Behavioral Sciences required for non-majors. Conditions and factors
affecting women’s paid and unpaid work. Marriage, divorce, fertility, and childcare;
women’s occupations, earnings and education; economics of sex discrimination; government
economic policies and women’s welfare.
WMNST 499. Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Three upper division units and consent of the department chair and
instructor. Individual study. Maximum credit six units.
Unless otherwise noted, 500-level classes require three upper division units in women’s studies
WMNST 512. Latinas in the Americas (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. How social and other
factors impact the lives of Latin American women. Theoretical frameworks illuminate
their situation. Sociocultural perspectives are offered on Latin American women’s
life narratives.
WMNST 515. Women: Myth, Ritual, and the Sacred (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Meanings and functions
of myths and rituals in their sacred and secular aspects, emphasizing their impact
on women’s lives and relationships in differing cultural contexts, past and present.
WMNST 520. Reproductive Rights and Justice (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. History, cultural attitudes,
and politics of reproduction and sexual health to include abortion, contraception,
sterilization, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV/AIDS, sex education, reproductive,
and genetic technology.
WMNST 522. Women: Madness and Sanity (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Mental health and mental
illness in literature, film, and psychological research. Clinical and feminist approaches
to mental health issues in women’s lives.
WMNST 530. Women’s Movements and Activism (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Comparative study of
women’s movements worldwide, including organizations, issues and initiatives. Women’s
diverse social/political strategies within local, national, and global contexts. May
be repeated with new content. See ClassSchedule for specific content. Maximum credit
six units.
WMNST 535. Lesbian Lives and Cultures (3)
Historical, cultural, and social exploration of lesbianism. Topics include myths and
stereotypes, history and literature, social and political movements, theoretical explanations,
and current conditions.
WMNST 536. Gender, Race, and Class (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Intersecting theories
of gender, race and class in both local and global contexts. Major themes in history,
culture, and contemporary lives of women analyzed through feminist and critical race
WMNST 545. Women and Sports (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Diverse women’s creation
of and involvement in recreational and competitive sports, mid-1800s to present to
include impact of medical experts’ views on homophobia, disability, individual elite
athletes, team sports, economic viability, and changes since Title IX.
WMNST 560. Women in Muslim Societies (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Socio-political status
of women in Muslim societies in Middle East, North Africa, and Asia; women in the
Quran; Muslim women’s movements.
WMNST 565. Women: Health, Healing, and Medicine (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Relationship of women
to “modern” and “traditional” health care/healing systems in historical and cultural
perspective. Representations and practices regarding the politics of women’s health
and illness.
WMNST 570. Gender, War, and Peace (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Interdisciplinary exploration
of women’s relation to war, peace, and militarism; women’s peace activism and beliefs
about motherhood; women’s roles in armed conflicts; effects of war on women; military
policy and beliefs about masculinity.
WMNST 572. Women and Violence (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Forms of violence against
and by women. Processes which shape women’s resistance to, and collusion in, social,
economic, political, and sexual violence.
WMNST 580. Women, Development, and the Global Economy (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Women’s roles as agents
and recipients of global economic and political change focusing on women’s empowerment,
work, health, and the environment. Topics include women’s movements worldwide and
non-governmental organizations.
WMNST 581. Women’s Experiences of Migration (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Gender analysis of impact
of international migration on women’slives. Identity formation, trauma, language,
gender roles, and sexuality in life narratives of immigrant and refugee women. Economic
and legal issues affecting immigrant and refugee women.
WMNST 585. Local Feminist Activism and Organizations (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women’s studies. Links scholarly knowledge
about feminist activism and non-profit organizations serving women to specific information
about San Diego area. Entering workforce preparation and activism to include economic
justice, LGBTQ issues, reproductive rights and justice, sexual violence.
WMNST 590. Feminist Thought (3)
Prerequisites: Six upper division units in women’s studies. Readings of feminist theory
in historical perspective, with attention to contemporary debates in feminist scholarship.
WMNST 596. TechnoFeminism (3)
Prerequisite: Three upper division units in women's studies. Feminist analysis of
technology in social context. Social realities of gender, race, and sexuality have
shaped technology from construction to consumption. Cyberfeminism, digital humanities,
reproduction, surveillance.
WMNST 597. Research Project (3)
Prerequisites: Six upper division units in women’s studies and consent of adviser.
Individual research project.
WMNST 598. Women’s Studies Internship (3) Cr/NC
Prerequisites: Three upper division units in women’s studies and consent of instructor.
Application of women’s studies theories and scholarship to community service and activism.
Internship includes 120 hours of work in local public and private agencies serving
women and girls. Maximum credit six units.
WMNST 601. Foundations of Feminist Scholarship (3)
Theories, issues, and major paradigms underlying feminist scholarship. Development
of women’s studies as a discipline. Emphasis on multicultural approaches and perspectives.
WMNST 602. Seminar: Methods of Inquiry in Women’s Studies (3)
Examination and critique of traditional research methods; methods of critical feminist
investigation; designs of research proposals.
WMNST 603. Seminar: Advanced Feminist Theory (3)
Analysis of categories of contemporary feminist theory including concepts of identity
and difference; theories of subjectivity; feminist discourses, strategies, and practices.
WMNST 604. Seminar: Gender, Culture, and Representation (3)
Representations of women, gender, and femininity in literature, art, music, and other
cultural productions. Interconnection between representations of gender, race, ethnicity,
class, and sexualities. May be repeated with new content. Maximum credit six units.
WMNST 605. Seminar: Women and Social Policy (3)
Laws and social policies impacting women and their families in historical and political
context. Theoretical and practical implications to include workplace issues, economic
justice, health, reproductive justice, violence, and regulation of sexuality and relationships.
WMNST 606. Seminar: Narrating Women’s Lives (3)
Exploration of women’s biographies and autobiographies. Theories of narration, identity
construction, and oral and written life histories. Interconnection between self-presentation
and social, historical, and multicultural institutions and discourses.
WMNST 607. Seminar: Privilege and Oppression (3)
How gender, culture, ethnicity, class, religion, sexualities, and physical challenges
define interplay of privilege and oppression. Theoretical and practical implications
WMNST 608. Seminar: Body Politics (3)
Historical exploration illuminates contemporary and past constructions of female,
male, and transgendered sexualities. Facilitates ability to critique “innate” vs.
culturally constructed behaviors and identities. Key institutions that control and
define the body explored: labor, race, economics, law, and medicine.
WMNST 609. Seminar: Transnational Issues and Gender (3)
Globalization of economy, culture, and politics with a focus on women’s lives. Case
studies of effect of transnational processes on women and role of gender in shaping
these processes.
WMNST 610. Seminar in Sexuality (3)
Sexuality and gender identity in diverse individual, social, political, and cultural
WMNST 611. Seminar: Gender and Diaspora (3)
Historical and interdisciplinary perspectives on gendered impact of forcible migration
(African, Asian, Jewish). Scholarly debates concerning influence of men’s and women’s
experiences of diaspora on modern political identities, social movements, and cultural
production. May be repeated with new content.
Maximum credit six units.
WMNST 612. Seminar: Feminist Pedagogies (3)
Feminist and interrelated critical pedagogies and their application in the classroom.
Teaching from social justice, intersectional, and transnational approaches. Role of
identity, difference, power, and embodiment in teaching and learning. Practical teaching
skills and holistic classroom strategies.
WMNST 692. Writing Workshop (1)
Argument, norms, and styles in academic writing. Maximum credit three units
For current course offerings, see the Class Schedule.