Scholarships & Financial Support
Thanks to our many generous supporters, we are able to offer a number of scholarships each year to both undergraduate and graduate Women’s Studies students. Applications for most scholarships are due in the Spring semester.
Call for Papers – Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research Award
Deadline: April 30, 2021 by 5pm to Heidi Doyle via email at [email protected].
Papers written by Women’s Studies Majors and Minors for Women’s Studies classes in Spring 2020 through Spring 2021 are eligible for consideration for the Undergraduate Research Award. Criteria for the award include significance of the topic, strength of the argument and evidence, and clarity of expression.
Format Requirements:
- One cover page including:
- Paper title
- Your name, address, RedID & e-mail
- The course number, semester and instructor’s name (to which the paper was submitted)
- Only one digital copy is required
- Include only title on the first page- no other identifying information: no student name, no email etc.
The author of the chosen paper will receive a $250 award.
Andrea O'Donnell Memorial Scholarship
Given in the memory of an activist student at SDSU, these $1,000 scholarships were designed to aid in the education of SDSU undergraduate students who demonstrate commitment to community activism and leadership in developing, promoting, or supporting activities which empower women, and who demonstrate commitment to academic achievement as well. Applicants are not required to be full-time students, but must be continuing in the next academic year. Eligibility Requirements include six units of credit in Women’s Studies classes (includes current enrollment) and a minimum GPA of 2.7.
Betty Nesvold Scholarship
Given in memory of one of the founders of the Department, this $1,000 scholarship is for undergraduate Women’s Studies majors or minors who plan to enroll for the following academic year on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. Applicants are not required to be full-time students. Eligibility Requirements include a Women’s Studies Major or Minor and a minimum GPA of 3.3.
Joanne Davis Women's Studies Scholarship
In memory of Joanne Davis, this $1,000 scholarship is given in support of a student whose parents did not attend a four-year college or university. Preference will be given to students who have completed at least six units in Women's Studies and are currently enrolled in a Women's Studies class. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
The Jenny Wyer Memorial Scholarship for Women's Studies
Through the generosity of donors, we now have a scholarship to support Women’s Studies Majors, Minors or Graduate students who will study abroad during. Eligibility requirements include a minimum GPA of 3.0.
The Sue Russell Scholarship
These $1,000 scholarships honor an SDSU Alum who gained her degree in later life while working. Recipients must be WS majors or minors with preference to those with a minor in Political Science, English or Business Administration. The 200 word essay will describe current employment and the challenges of attending college while employed.
Other Scholarships
You may also be eligible for other, more general scholarships available either through the Scholarships Office at SDSU or from external sponsors.
To learn more about how to apply for scholarships, visit the SDSU Scholarships page.
Oliva Espín Scholarship
Given by Professor Emerita Oliva Espín, this scholarship is available to students in the SDSU Women’s Studies M.A. Program who are entering their second year of study or beyond and who have a thesis advisor. Their research should focus upon lesbian women and/or women of color. The award is $1000.00.
SDSU Graduate Equity Fellowship Program
The Graduate Equity Fellowship program provides support for economically disadvantaged graduate students, especially from groups who are underrepresented within their respective disciplines. Only legal residents of the State of California who can demonstrate significant financial need of $1,000, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) are eligible. Recipients must be classified or conditionally classified graduate students, maintain a 3.00 GPA, and must be enrolled for a minimum of nine units of graduate coursework each semester they hold the fellowship. Fellowships range from $500 to $4,000 for an academic year depending on the demonstrated need. Students may receive awards for a maximum of two academic years, but they must apply each year. Postbaccalaureate students are ineligible. Interested students should complete an application, obtained in the Graduate Division office, and a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, obtained in the Financial Aid office. Both applications must be submitted by September of each year. For more information, visit the funding page on Graduate Studies website.
Graduate Assistantships
The majority of our first-year graduate students will receive a Graduate Assistantship. A limited number of second-year graduate students can teach courses as Graduate Teaching Associates. Contact the Graduate Advisor for additional information.
Other Scholarships
You may also be eligible for other, more general scholarships available either through the Scholarships Office at SDSU or from external sponsors. The SDSU Scholarships Office offers scholarships to highly qualified applicants, averaging $1,000 per student. The SDSU scholarship application is available each year during one application period from November through the first Monday in February. Students need to submit only one application for the general SDSU scholarship program. Students are also encouraged to work with the Scholarships Office to identify other, extramural funding opportunities. For more information, visit the funding page on Graduate Studies website.